Jason McNeese
When Jason was 18 years old, God called him to preach. Again he wrestled with that calling but God made it abundantly clear and one night while laying on the bottom bunk in his bedroom on Cody Road in Columbus, Georgia, he finally relented and accepted God’s Will for his life. It has been an interesting journey since that night which has led to many other decisions and many other destinations down many other roads until August of 2004 when God led Jason to become the Senior Pastor of Rural Retreat Baptist Church. Jason spent 10 years at Rural Retrat Baptist Church, until he was called to be the pastor at Emmorton Baptist Church in July of 2014.

Assistant Pastor
Fred Eskridge
The Fred & Skyler Eskridge Family
It is our joy to have this Christian young couple serving in our ministry in a variety of capacities which include Student Ministries, Emmorton Baptist Academy and in the Music Program of the Church.